Changing the TCP port for the Men&Mice Update Service

The Men&Mice update service is listening by default on port 4603/TCP. Although the port 4603/TCP is reserved for the Men&Mice Update service in the IANA database, there might be a different software already running on that port.

The TCP port for the updater service can be changed. It must be changed on the mmupdate service and also on Men&Mice Central (mmcentral). All remote servers must listen on the same TCP port for update messages from Men&Mice Central. It is not possible to run the Men&Mice Update service on different ports for different servers.

  1. Stop both services, the Men&Mice Central service and the remote Men&Mice updater service.

  2. On the machine running the Men&Mice Update service, append the following line to the Men&Mice Updater’s preferences.cfg file (create the file if it does not exist):

<Arguments value="-p 12345" />

Where 12345 is the TCP port number the Men&Mice update service should use.

  1. Start the Men&Mice Update service and check that the process in listening on the new port (using netstat -na or lsof -i).

  2. On the machine running the Men&Mice Central service, append the following line to the Men&Mice Central preferences.cfg file (create the file if it does not exist):

<UpdateAgentPortNumber value="12345" />

Where 12345 is the TCP port number the Men&Mice update service is using on the remote system(s).

  1. Start the Men&Mice Central service.