Installing the Micetro Provider for Terraform

Download Compiled Binaries

Precompiled binaries for Windows and Linux are available on the Terraform Registry.

Manual Build and Install

For Mac or Linux

  • Run the following command to build and install the provider:

    make install

For Windows

  1. Build the provider by running:

    go build -o terraform-provider-menandmice.exe
  2. Copy the terraform-provider-menandmice.exe file to the appropriate directory based on your Terraform version:

  • For Terraform 0.12:

  • For Terraform 0.14:

  1. Initialize Terraform:

    terraform.exe init

Run Acceptance Test

  1. Define the Micetro server settings in your configuration file:

    ipam-properties: location
  2. Set the provider environment variables:

    export MENANDMICE_ENDPOINT=<api-endpoint>
    export MENANDMICE_USERNAME=<your username>
    export MENANDMICE_PASSWORD=<your password>
  3. Create a test account by running:

    make testacc

For more details on using the Micetro provider, see Using the Micetro provider with Terraform.