Health Bar information (Management Console)
On this page, the errors/warnings from the Health Monitoring Bar (Management Console, obsolete) in the Management Console are made available.
The user is able to click a link from the Management Console to get more details about each error/warning that is displayed.
Cloud Subnet Collision
A cloud subnet conflicts with an existing subnet in Micetro and was not synced.
Component out of date
This warning is shown when a Micetro component is out of date in the system. This can be confirmed by going to
. It will show all components that are out of date in the system. From this window, they can also be updated.Component unreachable
This error is shown when the Micetro Central cannot communicate with the specified component. It can be due to one of the following reasons:
The network connection is not functional between the component and the central server. That can be due to firewall issues. See Networking Requirements.
The component is not turned on or has been shut down.
Database has multiple schemas
This error is displayed when it has been detected that the database has multiple schemas. This can happen if the database has been migrated and not configured properly. Contact Support for further assistance. (See Contacting Support.)
Database size exceeded the recommended value
When the database is the default one (SQLite) and the size of the database is higher than the threshold of 1 GB, then this warning is shown. Collecting lease history for DHCP is one of the factors that can increase the size of the database. In such cases — and also when the network environment is considered to be large — it is recommended to use SQL Server or PostgreSQL as a database backend for Micetro. See Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL for more details.
DHCP failover partner server unreachable
This error is displayed when the defined failover partner server for a DHCP server is not reachable. The reason could be a networking issue or that the DHCP service on the server is down.
Error loading zone
This warning is shown when DNS server (e.g., BIND) is unable to load its zones. This warning is also posted if the server has not successfully finished checking all zones for errors.
Exclusion range outside of pool
A DHCP exclusion range extends out of the address pool. This is a misconfiguration, but has no adverse effects, since addresses outside the pool are excluded by default.
Failed to do a SOA request for zone
This error is shown when the Micetro DNS Server Controller is able to query the server, but SOA request for the zone failed.
Failed to load ODBC Driver for SQL Server
The preferred version of the Microsoft ODBD Driver for SQL Server failed to load. The latest version can be downloaded from
Failover partner Down
This warning indicates that one server in a failover pair cannot be reached. The remaining server will continue to run, but if it goes down, service will be interrupted.
High availability failure state
This warning is shown when the active Central server went down and a standby Central server took over the service. For some reasons active server didn’t report and therefore the standby server was activated. The Standby server is updated and becomes the active server and vice versa. The former active server will be in a failed state until it is fixed or restarted.
License exceeded
This warning is shown when the current license for a component has been exceeded. For example, if the appliance license is only valid for a single appliance, and another appliance is added, then the additional appliance is not shown. Please contact to resolve the matter.
Multiple PTR records in zone
Multiple PTR records refer to an IP address in a reverse zone. This can happen when there are multiple A/AAAA records that refer to the same host. It is recommended to delete all such PTR records except one.
Orphaned PTR records in zone
There are PTR records for an IP address, but no A/AAAA records were found that resolve to the IP address. These records should be deleted.
Outdated database server version
For Micetro Suite version 8.1 and higher, we recommend to use only SQL Server 2014 or higher. Support for older versions will be dropped in version 8.2 of the Micetro Suite.
Scope contains inconsistencies that need reconciling
This warning is shown when a scope contains inconsistencies and it needs reconciling. See Reconcile Scopes in the Management Console and about reconciling a DHCP scope.
Scope is not part of a failover relationship on partner server
This warning is shown when scope is not a part of a failover relationship on partner server, but should be.
Scope pool collision
This warning is shown when one of the following situations occur:
Scopes in a failover relationship have mismatching address pools or exclusions. Failover scopes should be identical.
An address pool conflict was detected. Addresses exist in multiple pools without exclusions.
An address pool conflict was detected. The address pool is not identical across the split scope.
An address pool conflict was detected.
Scope reservation mismatch
This warning is shown when DHCP reservations do not match, that is name, MAC address, and description are not identical.
Slave zone not updated from master or is about to expire
This warning is shown when a slave zone is not receiving an update from its master. This warning could also be shown when a slave zone is not receiving update from its master and is about to expire.
Superscope, subnet, static, or dynamic part of scope over utilized
This warning is shown when a specific threshold is reached, that is, not enough IP addresses are available in this range. To fix this issue, remove the scope and create a larger one instead or create a superscope which will join together two or more scopes for larger one.
Unable to check whether scope contains inconsistencies
This warning is shown when Micetro Central can’t connect to the DHCP Server Controller service to check whether a scope contains inconsistencies. The reason could be if the DHCP Server Controller is offline or not turned on.
Unable to check whether scope is part of a failover relationship on partner server
This warning is shown when Micetro Central can’t connect to the DHCP Server Controller service to see if a scope is a part of a failover relationship on partner server. The reason could be if the DHCP Server Controller is offline or not turned on.
Unable to fetch scope info from partner server
This warning is shown when Micetro Central can’t connect to the DHCP Server Controller service to gather scope info from partner server. The reason could be if the DHCP Server Controller is offline or not turned on.
Unable to get status for DNS or DHCP server
This warning is shown when Micetro Central is unable to connect to the DNS or DHCP Server Controller to do a status check for the server. This occurs if the Server Controller is offline, not turned on or has been shut down (in some case not installed). To fix this issue, get the server online again and turn on the remote or (re)install.
Unable to get status for scope
This error is shown when Micetro Central can’t connect to the DHCP Server Controller service to get scope status from DHCP server. The reason could be if the DHCP Server Controller is offline or not turned on.
Unable to get status for zones
This warning is shown when Micetro Central can’t connect to the DNS Server Controller service to get status on the zones. The reason could be if the DNS Server Controller service is turned off or is offline.
Update available
This warning is shown when new version of Micetro is available. To get this new version, go to
in the menu bar and run the update wizard.Update server unreachable
This warning is shown when Micetro Central has lost its connection to the update server. It is not mandatory to have this connection and it can be turned off. To fix this issue, make sure that machine running the update service and the machine running Micetro Central are listening to the same TCP port. TCP port 4603
is reserved for the update service, but it can be changed if there is another software using that TCP port. See Changing the TCP Port for the Micetro Update Service about changing the TCP port.
Zone replication group out of sync
This error is shown when a member of a zone replication group is out of sync.