Through roles you can manage access control in Micetro.
Objects (servers, zones, scopes, IP addresses, etc.) in Micetro are accessed through Roles configured with Permissions. Users and Groups do not have direct access to objects, only if they’re assigned to roles. Administrators can control a user or group’s access by assigning or removing them from roles.
This page is for generic management of roles. See General Roles, Specific roles, and Legacy roles for the particularities of the different role types.
Adding a new role
Through this function, you add new roles to Micetro.
Navigate to Roles in the filtering sidebar. The built-in roles are displayed here, as well as all other roles that have been added to Micetro already.
and selectClick the Create button. The Create role dialog box displays.

- Role name
Give the new role a name.
- Description
Brief description for the role.
Using clear and descriptive names and descriptions makes access management easier.
Switch over to the Access tab and set the permissions. (See Permissions.)
When all necessary information and permissions are configured, click Save.
The default for new roles is General Roles.
See Example role configuration: DHCP read-only for an example process for creating a role anew.
Editing a role
Through this function, you can edit the role’s name, description, permissions, and attached users/groups.
Navigate to Roles in the filtering sidebar.
and selectTo select a single role, click on the role’s name. To select multiple roles, press/hold the Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) key and then click on each role’s name.
From the ellipsis menu, select Edit role properties or use .
Make the desired changes to the role’s information. In the Users and Groups tabs you can remove users/groups from the role.
Click Save to save the changes.
Deleting a role
Through this function, you remove a role from Micetro.
Built-in roles cannot be removed.
Navigate to Roles in the filtering sidebar.
and selectTo remove a single role, click on the role’s name. To remove multiple roles, press/hold the Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) key and then click on each role’s name.
From the ellipsis menu, select Remove role or use .
To remove the role, click the Yes button. The role is removed.
Duplicating a role
It is possible to duplicate roles and copy the original’s configured permissions, users, and groups to a new role.
Navigate to
in the web application.Use the + Create –> From existing role action from the top bar.

Select the role to duplicate, and name the new role.
Select which properties (permissions, groups, roles) to copy.
Click Create.
See Example role configuration: DNS zone read-write for an example process for creating a role from an existing template.