Configure Cloud Integration
Set up and configuration
Before adding a cloud service instance
The Men&Mice Suite communicates with the cloud services through Men&Mice Central (IPAM) and the Men&Mice DNS controller (DNS).
Before continuing, make sure:
The DNS controller is installed and set up on the machine running Men&Mice Central. See Server controllers.
The machine running central can connect to the specific cloud instance on port 443/TCP. See Networking requirements.
If you want to add multiple AWS cloud accounts using single credentials refer to Configuring an AWS multi-account setup.
Adding a cloud service
The following are the steps that are needed to start using a cloud service in Men&Mice.
File –> New –> Cloud Service. Access the Cloud service wizard by right clicking Cloud Services in the Object Browser of the Management Console and selecting New Cloud Service or highlight Cloud Services in the Object Browser and clicking + sign in the manager window.
The following dialog is shown:
Proceed with one of the Cloud providers shown below and click Next:
Akamai Fast DNS
Fill in the following fields required to connect to Akamai Fast DNS
Name |
The name of the cloud service in Men&Mice |
Client Secret |
The credentials needed for Men&Mice to connect to the cloud instance Obtaining Access Credentials Please refer to the following on how to create API Access Credentials for use by the suite: |
Host |
Access token |
Client token |
Server time setting constrictions Akamai OPEN APIs are time sensitive! Ensure that the system your client runs on is synchronized with a Stratum 2 or better time source. (source:
If the time on the server that the DNS Remote is running on deviates enough from Coordinated Universal Time the authentication will fail and it will not be possible to access/update zone through the suite.
Go to Finishing the configuration.
Azure DNS
Fill in the following fields required to connect to Azure:
Name |
The name of the cloud service in Men&Mice |
Subscription ID |
The credentials needed for Men&Mice to connect to the cloud instance |
Tenant ID |
Client ID |
Client secret |
See Configure Azure DNS.
Go to Finishing the configuration.
Amazon Web Services
Fill in the following fields required to connect to AWS:
Name |
The name of the cloud service in Men&Mice |
Access Key ID |
The credentials needed for Men&Mice to connect to the cloud instance Obtaining Access Credentials Please refer to the following on how to create API Access Credentials for use by the suite: |
Secret Access Key |
Read more: Configuring an AWS multi-account setup.
Go to Finishing the configuration.
Fill in the following fields required to connect to OpenStack:
Name |
The name of the cloud service in Men&Mice |
Server Node |
The credentials needed for Men&Mice to connect to the cloud instance |
User Name |
Password |
Require HTTPS |
Go to Finishing the configuration.
Fill in the following fields required to connect to NS1:
Name |
The name of the cloud service in Men&Mice |
API Key |
The credentials needed for Men&Mice to connect to the cloud instance Obtaining Access Credentials Please refer to the following on how to create API Access Credentials for use by the suite: |
Go to Finishing the configuration.
Fill in the following fields required to connect to Dyn:
Name |
The name of the cloud service in Men&Mice |
Customer Name |
The credentials needed for Men&Mice to connect to the cloud instance |
User Name |
Password |
Go to Finishing the configuration.
Finishing the configuration
After finishing going through the wizard, the DNS service (if applicable) and any subnets defined (if applicable) will be shown in the DNS servers and IP Address Ranges, respectively.
Editing a cloud service instance
To edit the properties for a cloud instance, right click on a cloud instance in the Object Browser and select Properties.
Removing a cloud service
To remove a cloud service, right click on the specific cloud service in the Object Browser and select Delete.
By removing the cloud service, the associated DNS service and the corresponding zones will be removed. Additionally, any subnets and cloud networks will also be removed.
Click Yes to remove the cloud service.
Removing a cloud network
To remove a cloud network, right click on the specific cloud network in the object browser or in the manager window and select Delete.