Copy the following block to a file and save it as Modify the variables as needed.

#!/usr/bin/env python
Version 1.9 - needs M&M Suite version >= 9.3.x

A python script that implements an interface to PowerDNS 3.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1 and 4.3.2
with MySQL backend as a generic DNS server in mmSuite.

Needs MySQLdb to connect to the PDNS database

1. Modify the script so that it fits to your PowerDNS setup or get in contact
with the M&M support.

2. Add reference to the script in preferences.cfg for DNS remote. Example:
      <GenericDNSScript value="python /var/mmsuite/dns_server_controller/scripts/" />

3. Start DNS remote, use MMMC to log in to central and add a generic DNS server refering to
the DNS remote.

4. Enjoy

from __future__ import print_function # Prepare for python 3.1

import MySQLdb
import sys
import subprocess
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import re

# new zones are created as NATIVE
# please change to MASTER in case you have configured your PDNS running as MASTER
# (check you pdns.conf file)
mmPDNSNewZoneType = "NATIVE"

# PDNS with DNSSEC enabled
# please set to True, which will also set the "auth" column
mmPDNSDnsSec = False

# Error constants
mmErr_zoneUnableToAddRecord     = 0x1212
mmErr_zoneUnableToDeleteRecord  = 0x1213
mmErr_zoneUnableToModifyRecord  = 0x1214
mmErr_zoneRecordAlreadyExist    = 0x1215
mmErr_zoneUnableToLockZoneFile  = 0x1216

mmErr_zoneSOAConstraint                 = 0x1217
mmErr_zoneCNAMEConstraint               = 0x1218
mmErr_zoneOutOfZoneRecord               = 0x1219
mmErr_zoneApexConstraint                = 0x121A
mmErr_zoneRecordSyntax                  = 0x121B

# Configure logging
LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/mmGenericDNSPowerDNS.log'

# Set up a specific logger with error output level
theLogger = logging.getLogger('men_and_mice_genericdns_powerdns_logger')

# Add the log message handler to the logger 10 MB log file 5 times
handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=1024*1024*10, backupCount=5)

# create formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(message)s")


# Some helping hands

# convert BIND scaled values to seconds, e.g. 1h => 3600
def scaledToSeconds(sttl):
    scaledvals = {"s":1,"m":60,"h":3600,"d":86400,"w":604800}
    regex = re.compile('^(?P<value>[0-9]+)(?P<unit>[smhdw])')
    seconds = 0
        if sttl == "NULL":
            return sttl
            return int(sttl) # first simply try to convert to int
        lsttl = sttl.lower()
        while lsttl:
            match = regex.match(lsttl)
            if match:
                value, unit = int("value")),"unit")
                if int(value) and unit in scaledvals:
                    seconds += value * scaledvals[unit]
                    lsttl = lsttl[match.end():]
                    raise Exception("Can't convert TTL '%s' from scaled value to seconds! " % (sttl))
        return seconds

# removes the trailing "." if the name ends with the fully qualified zone name
def deQualify(FQZN,FQDN):
    zone = FQZN.lower()
    zonename = zone[:-1]
    name = FQDN.lower()
    if not name.endswith("."):
        if not name.endswith(zonename):
            if name != "":
                return FQDN + "." + zonename # append zone name as BIND does mit without trailing dot.
                return zonename # just return the zone name
        return FQDN # already non FQ
    return FQDN[:-1]

# adds the trailing . if the name ends with the zone name
def qualify(ZN,DN,type,is_data=False):
    if is_data and (type == "A" or type == "AAAA" or type == "TXT"):
        return DN
    zone = ZN.lower()
    name = DN.lower()
    if name.endswith("."):
        return DN  # already FQDN
    elif name.endswith(zone):
        return DN+"." # make FQDN
    adddot = type == "CNAME" or type == "NS" or type == "MX" or type == "SRV" or type == "PTR" or type == "NAPTR"
    if adddot:
        return DN + "."
    return DN # some other type like TXT

# returns the DB connection
def getConnection():
    connection = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost",
    return connection

# just adds double quotes at the begin and end of a string
def wrapInQuotes(input):
    return "\"" + input + "\""

# converts a M&M record structure to PDNS
def recToPDNS(zone, zoneFQ, record):
    ttl = str(record['ttl']) if record['ttl'] != "" else "NULL"
    ttl = scaledToSeconds(ttl)
    record['ttl'] =  ttl
    prio = "NULL"
    if record['type'] == "CAA":
        split = record['data'].split("\t")
        if '"' in split[2]:
            split[2] = split[2].replace('"', '')
        split[2] = '"%s"' % (split[2])
        record['data'] = " ".join(split)
    elif record['type'] == "NAPTR":
        split = record['data'].split("\t")
        # now wrap the fields Flags = 2, Service = 3 and Regular Expression = 4 in double quotes
        for idx in range(2,5):
            split[idx] = wrapInQuotes(split[idx])
        record['data'] = " ".join(split)
        record['data'] = deQualify(zoneFQ, record['data'])
    elif record['type'] == "MX" or record['type'] == "SRV":
        split = record['data'].split("\t")
        split[len(split)-1] = deQualify(zoneFQ, split[len(split)-1])
        prio = str(split[0]) # extract prio for SRV and MX
        del split[0] # remove the prio
        record['data'] = " ".join(split) # and join space separated (if there is something to join)
    elif record['type'] != "TXT" and record['type'] != "SPF":
        if record['type'] == "CNAME" or record['type'] == "PTR" or record['type'] == "NS":
            record['data'] = deQualify(zoneFQ, record['data'])
        record['data'] = record['data'].replace("\t"," ")

    if record['name'] == "":
        record['name'] = zone
    record['name'] = deQualify(zoneFQ,record['name'])

    return [record,prio]

# adds a M&M DNS record into DB
def addRecord(cur, id, zone, zoneFQ, record):
    result = recToPDNS(zone, zoneFQ, record)
    record =  result[0]
    prio = result[1]
    if mmPDNSDnsSec:
        cur.execute("insert into records(domain_id,name,ttl,type,content,prio,auth) values ('%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s',%s,1);" % (id,str(record['name']),str(record['ttl']),str(record['type']),str(record['data']),str(prio)))
        cur.execute("insert into records(domain_id,name,ttl,type,content,prio) values ('%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s',%s);" % (id,str(record['name']),str(record['ttl']),str(record['type']),str(record['data']),str(prio)))

# returns the DNS record ID from the PowerDNS DB
def getRecord(cur, id, zone, zoneFQ,  record):
    result = recToPDNS(zone, zoneFQ, record)
    record = result[0]
    prio = result[1]
    # PDNS wants the zone name instead of an empty name as e.g. BIND accepts
    if record['name'] == "":
        record['name'] = zone
    selstr = "select id from records where domain_id=%s and name='%s' and content='%s' and type='%s' " % (id,str(record['name']),str(record['data']),str(record['type']))
    if str(prio) == "NULL":
        selstr += "and (prio is NULL or prio ='0');"
        selstr += "and prio=%s;" % (prio)

    row  = cur.fetchone()
    if row:
        return str(row[0])
    # else return None

# deletes a single record from the PowerDNS DB
def delRecord(cur, id, zone, zoneFQ, record):
    recid = getRecord(cur, id, zone, zoneFQ, record)
    if recid:
        cur.execute("delete from records where id=%s and domain_id=%s;" % (recid,id))

# updates a record in the PowerDNS DB
def modRecord(cur, id, zone, zoneFQ, recBefore, recAfter):
    recid = getRecord(cur, id, zone, zoneFQ,  recBefore)
    result = recToPDNS(zone, zoneFQ, recAfter)
    record = result[0]
    prio = result[1]
    cur.execute("update records set name='%s',ttl=%s,content='%s',prio=%s where id=%s and type='%s';" % (record['name'],record['ttl'],record['data'],prio,recid,record['type']) )

# special handling of SOA modifications
def modSOARecord(serial, recDataAfter):
    rdataarray =  str(recDataAfter).split("\t")
    # check if the new serial is old-1
    if int(rdataarray[2]) == int(serial)-1:
        rdataarray[2] = str(serial) # yes, then the serial was not modified manually and we use the computed new serial value
    return [rdataarray[2]," ".join(rdataarray)]

# mmSuite responses

# Return server info
# please edit path to the pdns_server binary if necessary
def doGetServerInfo():
    p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/sbin/pdns_server','--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    out, err = p.communicate()
    res ="(\d+\.\d+[\.\d+]*)", str(err))
    if res:
        return {'type': 'Unknown'}
        # return {'type': "PowerDNS Version " + str(}
    return {'type': "Unknown" }

# Return information about the status of the DNS service itself
# possible return values are:
#       "undefined" - we have no idea about the service
#       "running" - the service is up and running
#       "stopped" - the service is stopped
#       "exited" - the service has exited
#       "fatal" - the serivce has entered a fatal state
def doGetServiceStatus():
    # For now we just try to connect and if we don't succeed
    # we report service stopped (though more likely it's the
    # connection that is broken)
        con = getConnection()
        return { 'serviceStatus': 'running' }
        return { 'serviceStatus': 'stopped' }

# Return all views available on the DNS server (no views in PowerDNS)
def doGetViews():
    return { 'views': [''] }

# Returns all zones in all views
def doGetZones():
    con = getConnection()
    cur = con.cursor()
    rows = cur.execute("select name, notified_serial, type from domains where type like('MASTER') or type like('NATIVE') or type like('SLAVE');")
    zones = []
    if rows > 0:
        for row in cur.fetchall():
            if str(row[2]) != "SLAVE":
                zones.append({'view':'','name': str(row[0])+".",'type': 'Master','dynamic': False,'serial': str(row[1])})
                zones.append({'view':'','name': str(row[0])+".",'type': 'Slave','dynamic': False,'serial': str(row[1])})

    return {'zones': zones}

# Return information for a specific zone- it's type and current serial
def doGetZone():
    # text = '{ "method": "GetZone", "params": {"view": "", "name": ""}}'
    text =
    input = json.loads(text)
    viewName= input['params']['view']
    zoneName= input['params']['name']
    zoneName = zoneName[:-1] # remove trailing dot
    con = getConnection()
    cur = con.cursor()
    numrows = cur.execute("select name,notified_serial from domains where (type like('MASTER') or type like('NATIVE')) and name='"+zoneName+"';")
    if numrows != 1:
        if con:
        raise Exception("Zone '%s' not found!" % (zoneName))

    row = cur.fetchone()
    zone = { 'zone': {'view': '', 'name': str(row[0])+".", 'type': 'Master', 'dynamic': False, 'serial': str(row[1])} }

    return zone

# Return the content of a zone
def doGetRecords():
    # text = '{ "method": "GetRecords", "params": {"view": "", "name": ""}}'
    text =
    input = json.loads(text)
    viewName= input['params']['view']
    zoneNameFQ= input['params']['name']
    zoneName = zoneNameFQ[:-1]

    con = getConnection()
    cur = con.cursor()
    numrows = cur.execute("select name,ttl,type,content,prio from records where domain_id = (select id from domains where (type like('MASTER') or type like('NATIVE') or type like('SLAVE')) and name='"+zoneName+"');")
    if numrows == 0:
        if con:
        raise Exception("Error retrieving records of zone '%s'" %(zoneName))
    records = []
    for record in cur.fetchall():
        type = str(record[2]).upper()
        name = qualify(zoneName,str(record[0]),type)
        ttl = str(record[1])
        if ttl == "None" or ttl == "":
            ttl = ""

        content = qualify(zoneName,str(record[3]),type,True)
        # MX and SRV store the priority in the separate prio column (index 4) see select statement
        if type == "MX" or type == "SRV":
            content = str(record[4]) + "\t" + content
        elif type == "NAPTR":
            split = content.split(" ")
            split[2] = split[2].strip("\"")
            split[3] = split[3].strip("\"")
            split[4] = split[4].strip("\"")
            content = " ".join(split)
        # all other parameters are space separated, but we exclude TXT and SPF
        if " "  in content and type != "TXT" and type != "SPF":
            content = content.replace(" ", "\t")

        records.append({'name':name, 'ttl':ttl, 'type':type, 'data':content})"name:%s type:%s data: %s" %(name,type,content))"Zone: '%s' number of records retrieved: %s" % (zoneName,len(records)) )
    return { 'dnsRecords': records }

# Create a new zone
def doCreateZone():
    # text = '{ "method": "CreateZone", "params": {"view": "", "name": "", "type": "Master", "dynamic": "0", "masters": [], "dnsRecords":[]}}'
    text =
    input = json.loads(text)
    viewName = input['params']['view']
    zoneNameFQ = input['params']['name']
    zoneName = zoneNameFQ[:-1]
    zoneType = input['params']['type']
    records  = input['params']['dnsRecords']
    if zoneType == "Slave":
        masters =  input['params']['masters'][0]

    if not (zoneType == "Master" or zoneType == "Slave"):
        raise Exception("Can't create zone '%s': Only zone type Master supported!" % (zoneName))
    con = getConnection()
    cur = con.cursor()
    nrows = cur.execute("select id from domains where (type like('MASTER') or type like('NATIVE') or type like('SLAVE')) and name='"+zoneName+"' limit 1;")
    row = cur.fetchone()
    if row:
        raise Exception("Zone '%s' already exists!" % zoneName)

        if zoneType == "Slave":
            cur.execute("insert into domains (name,type,master) values ('%s','SLAVE','%s');" % (zoneName, masters))
            cur.execute("insert into domains (name,type) values ('%s','%s');" % (zoneName, mmPDNSNewZoneType))
            cur.execute("select id from domains where (type like('MASTER') or type like('NATIVE')) and name='"+zoneName+"' limit 1;")
            row  = cur.fetchone()
            id = str(row[0])

            for record in records:
                result = recToPDNS(zoneName, zoneNameFQ, record)
                record = result[0]
                prio = result[1]
                ttl =  record['ttl']
                if mmPDNSDnsSec:
                    cur.execute("insert into records(domain_id,name,ttl,type,content,prio,auth) values ('%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s',%s,1);" % (id,str(record['name']),ttl,str(record['type']),str(record['data']),str(prio)))
                    cur.execute("insert into records(domain_id,name,ttl,type,content,prio) values ('%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s',%s);" % (id,str(record['name']),ttl,str(record['type']),str(record['data']),str(prio)))

    except MySQLdb.Error, e:
        if con:
            error =  "zone: '%s' creation failed. [Error %d: %s]" % (zoneName,e.args[0],e.args[1])
            raise Exception(error)
    return {}

# Delete a specific zone
def doDeleteZone():
    # text = '{ "method": "DeleteZone", "params": {"view": "", "name": ""}}'
    text =
    input = json.loads(text)
    viewName= input['params']['view']
    zoneName= input['params']['name']
    zoneName = zoneName[:-1]
    con = getConnection()
    cur = con.cursor()
    nrows = cur.execute("select id from domains where (type like('MASTER') or type like('NATIVE') or type like('SLAVE')) and name='"+zoneName+"' limit 1;")
    row = cur.fetchone()
    if row == None:
        raise Exception('zone: "' + zoneName + '" does not exist.')
        cur.execute("delete from records where domain_id='" + str(row[0]) + "';")
        cur.execute("delete from domains where id='" + str(row[0]) + "';")
    except MySQLdb.Error, e:
        if con:
            error =  "zone: '%s'deletion failed. [Error %d: %s]" % (zoneName,e.args[0],e.args[1])
            raise Exception(error)
        if con:
        return {}

# Update a zone - not finished yet
def doUpdateZone():
    #text = '''{ "method": "UpdateZone", "params": {"view": "", "name": "", "replaceZone": "0", "dnsRecordChanges":[
    #       {"type": "ModifyDNSRecord", "changeIndex": "23"
    #               , "dnsRecordBefore":    {"name":"newrec2", "ttl": "", "type": "A",      "data": "", "comment":"a comment" }
    #               , "dnsRecordAfter":     {"name":"newrec2",      "ttl": "", "type": "A",         "data": ""}
    #       }

    text =
    input = json.loads(text)
    viewName= input['params']['view']
    zoneNameFQ= input['params']['name']
    zoneName = zoneNameFQ[:-1]
    failedUpdates= []
    newSerial = '1234'

    con = getConnection()
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute("select id from domains where (type like('MASTER') or type like('NATIVE')) and name='"+zoneName+"' limit 1;")
    row  = cur.fetchone()
    id = str(row[0])

    # get current serial from zone SOA
    cur.execute("select content from records where domain_id="+id+" and type='SOA';")
    rdataarray = str(cur.fetchone()[0]).split(" ")
    newSerial =  str(int(rdataarray[2])+1)
    rdataarray[2] = newSerial
    rdata = " ".join(rdataarray)
    kTypeToErroMap = {'AddDNSRecord': mmErr_zoneUnableToAddRecord, 'ModifyDNSRecord': mmErr_zoneUnableToModifyRecord, 'RemoveDNSRecord': mmErr_zoneUnableToDeleteRecord}
    changedRecords = 0
    for dnsRecordChange in input['params']['dnsRecordChanges']:
            if dnsRecordChange['type'] == 'AddDNSRecord':
            elif dnsRecordChange['type'] == 'ModifyDNSRecord':
                if dnsRecordChange['dnsRecordAfter']['type'] == "SOA":
                   result = modSOARecord(newSerial, dnsRecordChange['dnsRecordAfter']['data'])
                   newSerial = result[0]
                   rdata = result[1]
         "Special case SOA record. New rdata %s" % (rdata))
                   modRecord(cur, id, zoneName, zoneNameFQ, dnsRecordChange['dnsRecordBefore'], dnsRecordChange['dnsRecordAfter'])
            elif dnsRecordChange['type'] == 'RemoveDNSRecord':
            # increase the number of successful updates
            changedRecords += 1
        except MySQLdb.Error, e:
            failedUpdates.append({'changeIndex': dnsRecordChange['changeIndex'], 'errorValue': kTypeToErroMap[dnsRecordChange['type']], 'errorMessage': e.message})

    if changedRecords > 0:
        # after change we increase the serial ID.
        cur.execute("update records set content='"+rdata+"' where domain_id="+id+" and type='SOA';")
        return { 'serial': newSerial, 'failedUpdates': failedUpdates }

    if con:
        error =  "Update of zone: '%s' failed. [%]" % (zoneName,str(failedUpdates))
        raise Exception(error)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    result = dict()
            if (len(sys.argv) <= 1):
                raise Exception('missing argument')
            if   (sys.argv[1] == 'GetViews'):
                result['result']= doGetViews()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'GetServerInfo'):
                result['result']= doGetServerInfo()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'GetServiceStatus'):
                result['result'] = doGetServiceStatus()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'GetZones'):
                result['result']= doGetZones()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'GetZone'):
                result['result']= doGetZone()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'GetRecords'):
                result['result']= doGetRecords()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'UpdateZone'):
                result['result']= doUpdateZone()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'CreateZone'):
                result['result']= doCreateZone()
            elif (sys.argv[1] == 'DeleteZone'):
                result['result']= doDeleteZone()
                # Unknown argument
                raise Exception('unknown argument: "' + sys.argv[1] + '"')

    except Exception,e:
        result['error'] = {'code': 42, 'message' : 'error: ' + str(e) }"Convert result to json")
    resultstr =  json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True)"Writing result to stdout")