
Permissions are access flags, configured on roles and pertaining to types of objects.

Permissions determine what type of objects the role has access to, and what kind of access it has to them.

For a full list of available permissions see Permissions reference.

Setting permissions


Permissions for built-in-roles cannot be modified.

  1. Navigate to Admin ‣ Configuration ‣ Roles in the web application.

  2. Select the role you want to edit, and double click it. (Or use the Edit role properties action from the top bar or ellipsis menu.)


    Permissions can only be edited on individual roles.

  3. Switch to the Access tab.

  4. Edit the permissions as needed.

  5. Click Save.


When setting access on a role, adding a permission will automatically enable all dependent permissions as well to prevent access problems.

An information button will appear on the top right of the dialog box, providing a summary of dependent permissions enables if hovered over.

Turning off the permission(s) will not disable the automatically enabled dependent permissions. Turning off the dependent permission(s) will still allow the role to be saved.

Block permission

When a permission is enabled, it’ll set the access flag to allow. When you block a permission on a role, it is set as deny and prevent any other role to overwrite that permission.

Example: The role Worfklow Blocked has the “Access to Workflow module” permission blocked. The built-in role “DNS approvers” has this permission enabled. Attaching user janedoe to both roles will result in the user not being able to access the Workflow module. Even though the DNS approvers role would allow it, the permission block set in Workflow Blocked will prevent it to take effect.


Permissions that are not set are simply returned as “null.” These empty access flags are not equivalent to ‘deny’ and can be overwritten by access flags configured in other roles.