Network management



Viewing the network list

In the Networks section of the Web Application, users are presented with a list of all networks in the system that they have access to view.

The networks lists shows all IP address ranges and scopes in the system (depending on what is selected in the Filtering sidebar). The visible columns can be configured by clicking on the “Configure columns” icon above the list.

The utilization of ranges and DHCP scopes is shown in a column called Utilization showing each network’s utilization.

Creating a network

Step 1

Click on the Create button above the list, or click on Actions ‣ Create new network on the top or in the Inspector.

A wizard dialog appears to guide users through the process.

  1. Fill in the network along with the subnet mask.

  2. When creating a DHCP network, the check box Create a DHCP network should be checked. (See below for details.)

  3. Specify if network and broadcast addresses should be reserved.

  4. Click Next.

Step 2 (optional)

If the Create a DHCP network box was checked in Step 1, the following dialog is presented:


Step 3

  1. Fill in the Title and Description.

  2. Fill in to any custom fields to be defined in the system.

  3. Click Next.

Step 4

Users are presented with summary information about the network before it is created.

  1. To open the range after it has been created, check the Open range after creating box.

  2. Optionally, add a save comment for audit trail purposes.

  3. Click Finish.

The new IP address range or DHCP scope will be created.

Additional actions

After selecting a network in the list, the available actions are shown in the Inspector on the right.



Create network

See Creating a network.

Open network

Opens up the network and lists all IP addresses.

Edit network properties

Displays a dialog where the properties of the network can be configured.

Edit DHCP options

Only for DHCP scopes. See Edit DHCP Options. Displays a dialog where DHCP scope options can be added and edited.

Delete network

Allows the network to be deleted from the system.

Enable / disable scope

Only for DHCP scopes. A disabled DHCP scope will be indicated in the list in the Authority column, such as ‘Disabled on <Server name>’. Scopes on Cisco DHCP servers can not be disabled.

Set folder

Allows for moving the object to a different folder, adding the object to a folder or removing from a folder.

Find next free IP address

Opens the network and selects the next free IP address.

Set discovery schedule

Enable and set discovery schedule for a network.

Convert to container

Allows for converting a DHCP scope or IP address range to a container.

Convert to DHCP scope

Only for IP address ranges.

Convert to network

Only for DHCP scopes.

Set subnet monitoring

Allows for enabling and configuring subnet monitoring.

View history

Opens a dialog which shows the history for the selected network.


Opens an import wizard where networks can be imported. See Import IPAM data.

Enabling / Disabling DHCP scopes

To disable a DHCP scope, select the scope in the list and use Actions ‣ Disable scope.

To enable a DHCP scope, select the scope in the list and use Actions ‣ Enable scope.

Edit DHCP options for a scope

See Edit DHCP Options.

DHCP information

After selecting a DHCP scope in the list, information on DHCP pools can be viewed in the inspector on the right.

The name of the authoritative DHCP servers are shown along with pools and exclusions defined in the scope.

In the case of split and failover DHCP scopes, both authoritative servers are shown and the respective pools and exclusions.

Changing between address spaces

If there are more than one address space defined, it is possible to change between address spaces by going to User settings ‣ Address space and select a different address space to activate.


IP Addresses

Viewing a network

To open a network, double click on a network or select the network and click on Open.

An example of a network which is an IP address range can be seen below.


Each IP address in a network can have different states. It depends on whether it is an IP address network or a DHCP scope.


Column descriptions

IP Address Ranges




An IP address within the IP address range.


For IP address ranges, the possible states for IP addresses are:

  • Free

  • Assigned

  • Claimed

Last known MAC Address

The last known MAC address associated with the IP address. (Obtained through discovery.)

DNS names

A list of DNS hostnames associated with the IP address.

PTR status

Shows the status of the Address (A) record and Pointer (PTR) record mappings. This column can have three values:

Empty. There are no DNS records for the host. It is also empty if a PTR record exists where the domain in the data section of the PTR record is not managed by the system.

OK. There is a match between the A and the corresponding PTR record(s).

Verify. There is no match between the A and the PTR records for the host. The most common reasons are:

  • There is an A record but the PTR record is missing.

  • There is a PTR record but the A record is missing.

  • The data section in the PTR record does not correspond to the name of the A record.

Last seen

The date and time which the IP address was last seen during discovery.


If the IP address is associated with a device, the name of the device is shown.

DHCP Scopes


The table below shows only additional columns shown for DHCP scopes. Shared columns are described in the table above.



Pool color indicator

  • Blue : IP address is in a DHCP pool

  • Green : IP address has a DHCP reservation

  • Red : IP address is in an DHCP exclusion range

  • Grey : IP address is in static part of DHCP scope


For DHCP scopes, the possible states for IP addresses are

  • Free

  • Assigned

  • Claimed

  • Leases

  • Reserved

Lease name

The name of the DHCP lease

Lease description

The description of the DHCP lease

Lease client identifier

The client identifier of the DHCP lease

Lease expires

The expiration time of the DHCP lease

DDNS hostname

The DDNS hostname associated with the DHCP lease

An example of a network which is a DHCP scope:


Creating a DHCP reservation

Inside a DHCP scope, select a specific IP address in the list, and then click on the “Reserve” button above the list.

Adding a DNS host

To add a DNS host for a specific IP address within a IP address range or a scope:

  1. Select the IP address in the list

  2. In the Related DNS data section of the Inspector, click on the + button

  3. A dialog will be displayed which allows for adding the record

  1. Specify a record name.

  2. Specify a zone name. (Typing in the zone name field will start generating a list of potential zone names with autocomplete.)

  3. Fill in other information.

  4. Click Create to create the new record.

Additional actions

After selecting an IP address in the list, the available actions are shown in the Inspector on the right.



Edit IP address properties

Displays a dialog where the properties of the IP address can be configured.

Find next free IP address

Selects the next free IP address.

Create new DNS record

Displays a dialog where DNS records associated with the IP address can be created.

Claim IP address

Claims the IP address.

Ping IP address

Pings the IP address. See Pinging an IP address.

View history

Opens a dialog which shows the history for the selected IP address.

Import IP

Opens an import wizard where networks can be imported.

Pinging an IP address

An IP address or multiple IP addresses in the list can be pinged by selecting them and then clicking on the Ping IP address task in the Inspector.

An indicator is shown during the ping. Afterwards a green or red indicator on the left of the IP address indicates a successful (green) or unsuccessful (red) ping.
